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Storage Tips for Home-brewers

storage, home-brewers

We love good home-brew. Home-brewers can now use self storage to store all their equipment, your family will thank you. Equipment used in home-brew can be quite smelly, but self storage is here to save you. Just store it right and cleanly. Storage Tips for Home-brewers Hooks, always Hooks are very much under-appreciated. They help […]

Self Storage For Estates

storage, estate, sale

In our experience, self storage helps people deal with one aspect of a family death. Stop and Store Squamish has had several Estates rent units for a few months. They do this to give the family time to sort out which child gets what. A family death often means you need to move quickly after […]

Ski and Snowboard Storage

ski snowboard storage, squamish

Squamish is all about skiing and snowboarding. We believe that you should choose ski and snowboard storage with us. Using a storage unit provides many benefits to you and your equipment this winter season 2023-2024. Ski and Snowboard Storage in Squamish Keep The Mess Out If you don’t have the luxury of a mud room, […]

Leaving Home For Squamish?

leaving home, road, walking

Alright, it’s that time. You are leaving home for the first time. Those moving to the Squamish Valley know this story all too well. But how does one prepare to leave home for the first time? Let Stop and Store Squamish help you out. Leaving Home For Squamish Find a place Finding a new place […]

Clever Ways to Keep Your Storage Items Safe

charcoal, storage, items, safe

Protecting the things you choose to store with us should be a top priority for you. Besides the basics we have brought you some unexpected ways that you can use to keep your storage items safer. Check them out below. Have any better tips? Let us know below! Keep Storage Item Safe Use these tips […]